Realschool for Companies. There are two things your employees can do - learn and teach. Give your employees a competitive edge by giving them access to practical, relevant, and current business lessons that they can immediately implement at your workplace. Specially for your high-potential talent, upgrade their communication and leadership skills by giving them an opportunity to create classes and share their business insights.

Upskill your Employees

Realschool for Individuals. Learn, teach, or do both. Get ahead in your career by learning directly from the practical insights and knowledge of practitioners and experts in the business world. Take the opportunity to build your communication and leadership skills and share your own business insights online. Build up your profile as a subject-matter expert and leader in your field. 

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Realschool for Business Schools. Supplement theoretical classroom learning with real lessons from the business world. Give students an opportunity to find out how frameworks and tools apply in a real-world setting and get them ready to take on their next job.

Prepare your Students for the Real World