Our mission is to accelerate the transfer of business knowledge by making it easy and accessible for individuals to share and learn from one another. What makes us different is that we make it incredibly easy for anybody to create a class to teach. The classes are all conducted in real-time and are interactive, which makes the learning experience much more powerful. Every class is kept to an hour, which is within the ideal time range to sustain attention online. Realschool offers practical lessons to the business world, from the business world. Come here to teach, or come here to learn. Unlike the legal or medical professions, the business world does not require a degree or academic qualification for one to practise or succeed. The school of real life offers a very compelling education to those who seek one. This is what inspired Realschool. We connect - online and in real time - aspiring business learners with corporate leaders, professionals, managers, entrepreneurs, and experts who have real-life business lessons to teach. We put emphasis on the practical nuggets of wisdom and the lessons that are readily implementable in your workplace. Realschool works very simply: Come here to teach, or come here to learn. This is a place for a real business education.
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